Thursday, October 1, 2009

Historia entre nuestras dedos

Many years ago I vividly recall my late Great-grandfather asking my mother to come to a sudden halt in our 1988 Mazda navy blue pickup-truck. When she asked why, he impetuously replied in Spanish “we just passed five aluminum cans laying on the side of the road.” Just the other day, I learned that my roommate Bhishma who is of Irish decent is analogous to my Great-grandfather. If he finds a penny on the floor he will pick it up. Culture and heritage passed down by our ancestors shape the patterns of our ideals and achievements. Furthermore, our family, friends, colleagues and mentors play a significant role in our day to day lives. My father told me a story of an owl who sat in a oak tree. The more the owl saw the less he spoke; the less he spoke the more he heard. It seems when I listen, the more I am capable of understanding rather than waiting to speak. Particularly, when surrounded by seasoned individuals. There is much to learn and contribute in providing an illustration of how fruitful and fulfilling life can be. A joy belonging to everyone by calibrating in this play called life. Live well, laugh often and love much.

KIKI Cheat Sheet

Impetuously: acting or done quickly without thought or care.

Analogous: comparable in certain respects.


elias weinstock said...

very wise, just like the owl.

Liz C said...

HAAAHA-HAHA! Kiki has made it into the blog!